SVD railed top cover


SVD railed top cover offers a unique solution that allows you to mount a scope as low as possible on your SVD/Tigr/NDM86 rifle without requiring you to remove the optics to service the rifle.

Railed top cover is CNC-milled from a high-strength aluminum alloy and consists of 3 parts:
1. side mount for optics, mounted on the rifle’s dovetail;
2. recoil spring strut which serves as the base for the detachable rear part of the top cover and the recoil spring mount;
3. detachable rear part of the top cover, together with the positioning screw.

1913-MIL-STD rail (0 MOA) of the side mount features 16 slots. The 1913-MIL-STD rail of the detachable cover features 9 slots.

Railed top cover is designed to be mounted on any SVD/Tigr/NDM86 side rail. When mounted, the optics side mount is attached to the rifle’s dovetail and stays in place during cleaning, which ensures that the optics are always sighted in while the rifle is in use.

Installation manual

SAG sidemounts manual

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